Like most organisations Crackerjacks had to close its doors in March 2020 due to COVID-19. This had disastrous effects to the charity, children and families to whom we have dedicated our support to. COVID-19 has left a huge financial hole due to lack of funding and we are now trying our hardest to repair that hole.
We are delighted to say that we are now open and up and running once again which is fantastic news. As of 1st September 2020 we have launched our “Urgent Crisis Appeal” to raise funds urgently needed. If you feel you could help raise funds in any way for our charity we would be most grateful, or alternatively you may wish to make a monthly or one off payment of any amount of your choice to support our dedicated cause.
Our families and children NEED US and we NEED YOU.
Please support our worthy cause to allow us to keep up the work we are dedicated to.
